Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Green Soup Goodness

My husband and I love soups, so it's safe to say that I'm always on the hunt for great soup recipes. I stumbled upon this Green Soup with Ginger recipe at my local grocery store. I know, I know... the grocery store? This grocery store is a NW version of Whole Foods so it gives it a little more credit to suggest recipes, don't you think?

Anyway, this store actually has a table in the produce department that contains little recipe cards with suggestions on how to cook with different kinds of produce. I love being able to include dark, leafy greens in as many meals as possible throughout my week. This was a perfect opportunity to combine healthy cooking with our love for soups.

I loved this recipe for it's ability to stand alone, with no need to add anything, and for it's use of purely fresh ingredients. The ginger and lemon juice, in particular, make it phenomenal. I did, however, add meatballs to it when I served it as leftovers so it was a more complete meal in regards to protein. Vegetarians could add some sort of bean or firm tofu to increase the protein amount.

This recipe calls for lot's of dark, leafy greens which are loaded with health benefits. Leafy greens are full of vitamins, minerals and disease fighting phytochemicals. They are rich in fiber, which is an important nutrient for weight loss and maintenance, they help lower cholesterol and blood pressure and help keep blood sugar at a more even level. Greens such as chard (in this recipe) are exceptionally high in calcium, which is vital to maintaining strong teeth and bones and lowering ones risk for osteoperosis. The calcium in chard, along with the potassium it contains, also aids in blood pressure management. Leafy greens are also particularly full of vitamin C, vitamin A, antioxidants, folate and vitamin E. Do you love them as much I do yet?

Bon Appetite!